My Pweence!

Di sekolah. Beberapa minggu yang lalu...
Monica : "Zit, tulis sesuatu deh."
Aku : "Apaan?"
Monica : "Apa aja."
Aku : (menulis) "Aku sayang Izzy banget." :3

Izzy is the first creature that I allow to lick my face, and even lips. I even love it when he does that.
He is the most excited creature when I arrive at home and he is the only creature that runs towards me while brings something in his mouth to show to me.
He is the first creature that I happily hug and kiss even when I know he hasn't take a bath for more than two weeks.
I love it and I love how he sometimes winks accidentally.
I love the way he sleeps.
I love him and all the tiny little things that he is. 


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